- GC oplossingen
- Intuvo 9000 GC System
- Agilent 8890 GC
- Agilent 8860 GC
- Agilent 7890B GC
- Agilent 7820A GC
- Agilent 5977B Series GC/MSD
- Agilent Micro GC
- PlasmaDetek
- IRD3
- miniPDD Helium Ionization Detector
- Jetanizer
- Polyarc
- DiscovIR-GC™
- Polyarc System (FID)
- Low Thermal Mass (LTM)
- Micro-electron capture (micro-ECD)
- Flame Ionization Detector (FID)
- Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)
- Flame Photometric Detector (FPD)
- Nitrogen Phosphorus Detector (NPD)
- Sulfur Chemiluminescence Detector (SCD)
- Nitrogen Chemiluminescence Detector (NCD)
- GC oplossingen
- Valving Solutions
- Diablo 5000B Real-Time Gas Analyzer (RTGA)
- Valving GC
- Wasson Super RGA
- Multidetek 2 Process GC
- Gas AutoSampler (AS201)
- Engineering: Orbital Welding
- Engineering: 6850 Auxiliary Oven
- Engineering: 7890 Auxiliary Oven for Columns and Valves
- Photo Catalysis Reaction Monitoring Analyser
- Engineering: Process Instrumentation
- Dynamic Blender
- Eclipse, Process GC Wasson
- Air monitoring: Tedlar™ Bag Auto-sampler
- Air monitoring: Mobile Tracer Detection System
- Vaporizer
- Variable Pressure Sample System
- Valving Solutions
- LC oplossingen
- 1290 Infinity II UHPLC
- 1290 Infinity II Autosampler
- 1290 Infinity II Diode Array Detector
- 1290 Infinity II Diode Array Detector (FS)
- 1290 Infinity II Variable Wavelength Detector
- 1290 Infinity II Evaporative Light Scattering Detector
- SD-1 Purification Systems
- 218 Purification Systems
- 325 Dual Wavelength UV-Vis Detector
- Evaporative Light Scattering Detector (ELSD)
- Infrarood (LC-IR)
- LC oplossingen
- MS oplossingen
- Agilent 7250 GC/Q-TOF
- Agilent 7000 triple quad MSD
- Agilent 6850 GC met 5975 MSD
- 6500 Series Accurate-Mass Quadrupole Time-of-Flight (Q-TOF) LC/MS
- 6400 Series Triple Quadrupole LC/MS
- 6200 Series Accurate-Mass Time-of-Flight (TOF) LC/MS
- 6100 Series Single Quadrupole LC/MS
- Agilent 5975T LTM GC/MS
- Direct Inlet Probe (DIP)
- Universal DART bron
- Lonestar
- MS oplossingen
- Software
- GC Image software
- Open Lab Software
- Soprane en ProChem software
- GC/MSD ChemStation Software
- CHRONOS for CTC PAL samplers
- EZChrom software
- MassHunter Workstation software
- Polymers Pyrolysis Library
- Additives Pyrolysis Library
- Mass Spectral Library of Drugs, Poisons, Pesticides, Pollutants, and Their Metabolites, 5th Edition
- LIPIDS Mass Spectral Database
- Mass Spectra of Pesticides with Retention Indices, 2nd Edition
- FAMEs Fatty Acid Methyl Esters: Mass Spectral Database
- Mass Spectra of Geochemicals, Petrochemicals and Biomarkers
- Mass Spectra of Organic Compounds
- Mass Spectra of Pesticides 2009
- Mass Spectra of Physiologically Active Substances: Including drugs, steroid hormones,and endocrine disruptors 2011
- Mass Spectra of Volatiles in Food (SpecData), 2nd Edition
- Mass Spectra of Flavors and Fragrances of Natural and Synthetic Compounds, 3rd Edition
- Mass Spectra of Designer Drugs 2018
- Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Data, 11th Edition
- Wiley Registry of Tandem Mass Spectral Data - MS for ID
- Wiley Registry 11th Edition / NIST 2017 Mass Spectral Library
- NIST Library software
- Maurer / Wissenbach / Weber LC-MSn Library of Drugs, Poisons and Their Metabolites
- Software
- JSB Oplossingen
- Eclipse, Process GC Wasson
- 3-MCPD-analyser
- Wasson Super RGA
- Photo Catalysis Reaction Monitoring Analyser
- JSB TPH Analyzer
- Engineering: 7890 Auxiliary Oven for Columns and Valves
- Engineering: 6850 Auxiliary Oven
- Dynamic Blender
- Gas AutoSampler (AS201)
- Air monitoring: Mobile Tracer Detection System
- Air monitoring: Tedlar™ Bag Auto-sampler
- MOSH/MOAH LC-GC-Analyzer
- JSB Oplossingen
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Inschrijven JSB nieuwsbriefMass Spectra of Physiologically Active Substances: Including drugs, steroid hormones,and endocrine disruptors 2011
Maria Kristina Parr, Georg Opfermann, Wilhelm Schänzer, Hugh L. J. Makin
ISBN: 978-3-527-33080-5
Mar 2011
Steroids are of considerable therapeutic importance and play a substantial role in endocrinology, a medicine branch dealing with disorder of the endocrine system, an integrated system of small organs that involve the release of extracellular signaling molecules known as hormones.
On the other hand, steroids are increasingly being abused for performance enhancement by professional athletes, Olympians and even amateurs.
The identification of small amounts of steroids in body fluids is an analytical challenge. GC/MS is one of the key analytical techniques applied in these areas. For the fast and reliable identification of steroids, mass spectral reference data are essential.
This collection is an Invaluable Resource for Doping Control, Endocrinology, and Clinical Toxicology
Steroids are of considerable therapeutic importance but are increasingly being abused for performance enhancement.
This collection has been expended in collaboration with the Institute of Biochemistry, German Sport University Cologne, and now contains 4182 mass spectra and chemical structures of androgens and estrogens, their trimethylsilyl -, O-methoxyoxime- and acetal derivatives, and beta-2-agonists. Most spectra have been obtained on the same mass spectrometer under identical conditions. The data records include chemical name, chemical structure, molecular formula, and synonyms.
Average number of peaks: 145
Available Database Formats: ACD;Agilent Chemstation; NIST MSSEARCH; Finnigan GCQ, SSQ, TSQ, ICIS, ITS40, Magnum; INCOS; PE Turbomass; Shimadzu QP-5000; Thermo Galactic SpectralID; Varian Saturn;VG Labbase, Masslab; Waters Masslynx; Xcalibur